Additional Resources and Work in Progress

This page contains files relating to completed or cumulative projects associated with the Network. For cumulative projects, please send updates to the researchers indicated.

  • Music in the Second Empire Theatre (MitSET)  Music in the Second Empire Theatre is a database that gives access to the repertory of opéra comique, opérette and related genres during the long Second Empire, c1848 to c1873. It inventories the works of, among others, the Opéra-Comique, the Théâtre des Bouffes-Parisiens, the Théâtre des Fantaisies-Parisiennes. Launched in March 2019, it will remain in a constant state of development as new data are added to the resource. The changing scope of the database is documented here
  • List of pseudonyms (cumulative: please send information about additions, corrections or updates to kje32[at] or m.everist[at]
  • 19th-Century French Singers: a Press Anthology, prepared by Kimberly White, Steven Huebner et al. (McGill U, Montréal) (pdf in new window)
  • List of Paris Music Drama Performances. (Complete.) This document was prepared by Mark Everist and Sarah Gutsche-Miller. It gives performance data for the four principal Parisian opera houses for the following periods:
    Opéra (1826-1893); Opéra-Comique (1825-1894); Théâtre-Italien (1801-1913); Théâtre-Lyrique (1851-1870). It brings together the data listed in the four following works:
    Soubies, Albert, Soixante-sept ans à l’Opéra en une page du Siège de Corinthe a La Walkyrie (1826-1893) (Paris: Fischbacher, 1893)
    Soubies, Albert, Soixante-neuf ans à l’Opéra-Comique en deux pages de la première de La dame blanche à la millième de Mignon (1825-1894) (Paris: Fischbacher, 1894)
    Soubies, Albert, Le Théâtre-Italien de 1801 à 1913 (Paris: Fischbacher, 1913)
    Soubies, Albert, Histoire du Théâtre-Lyrique (1851-1870) (Paris: Fischbacher, 1899)
    The information is presented in an Excel spreadsheet with dates along the horizontal axis and titles and other data on the vertical axis.  Each institution is on a separate worksheet, identified on the tabs at the bottom of the sheet.  Clicking on different tabs brings up data for different institutions.
    The spreadsheet is difficult to use unless a double window split is employed.  To do this, select cell B2 and then click Window>Split.  This has to be reversed when moving from one worksheet to another.
  • FMC Resource Hub. A set of guides to Parisian librairies, a funding guide, and a guide to mailing and discussion ists.